Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I do not find it noble

It is quite counterproductive to do any do-gooding on a day that is somewhere near -10 below. People, and by that I mean your average ordinary do-good loving Samantha, will find your efforts efforts done by a lunatic.

Today as I was driving home and having a one-on-one with God (I do that when I drive) I came across this bridge peopled by people with posters and picket signs reading "Stop the War" and "No More War" and "Let the War be Done" and "Let's Battle No More" etc. They aren't that creative. And it is like negative 20. No motorists are honking like the poster "Honk For The War to Be Over" told them to. And I have a feeling that not everybody driving was on the PRO-WAR movement. They were thinking, like me, that these protesters are fucking crazy fucktards.

No one will jump on your bandwagon not matter how noble the cause if you are doing something twenty times more stupid, like picketing in temps that are 40 sub-zero.

I can just see it now:

Protest Organizer (to crowd): It's chillier than a grave-diggers ass out there. Let's get our signs and TO THE BRIDGE! No monuments, buildings or forests to tame the diligent wind. Just us and our cause of war cessation.

Crowd: FUCK Yeah!

And that is the devil at work my friends. I mean, do not get me wrong, I hate the war. But I don't vote because it doesn't matter what I'm doing some Tuesday in November (it's a thing I have about standing in lines, I am very convinced God doesn't want that for me). I digress, I do not like the war. But I despise stupidity more. And while I think this war is semi-moral in theory, war in general is not, but more so protesting in a tundra is even more completely fucked up.

It was a sad protest. Now, I have a headache and I only get about two of those a year so we all know that I've had a bad day.

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